Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary Clint and Eden

July 1st 2000
Today is my oldest child, only son's anniversary. Seems like yesterday we gathered the family as it was, (one grandchild in the family) and got on a southwestern flight to Oakland. It was nice they got married in the place they both had loved as children. I remember when we took the 3 1/2 hour drive south, to the Oakland temple, with all the primary children. They never forgot the temple president telling them some day they would be back to the temple to be married for all eternity. How touching it was to have Clint take his love to the Oakland temple. (Her family was in Idaho, ours in the Northwest, Clint and Eden outside of L.A. so everyone had to travel)
I have some fun photos of the event it will be hard to choose which to use. We all felt so pretty in the blue Eden choose for the girls to wear and that California sun did it all justice. So Happy 8th Anniversary kids. Hope it has been the best 8 years of your lives. Hugs Grammie/mom

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