Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time for an old favorite.....Lemon bars
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I NEED an Ocean view....please

Oh a hard week for sure. Pain that was nearly unmanageable and then some wonderful distractions. The talk of the ocean, surfing and our Southern California up bringing has me longing for the beach, a view of the ocean, the crash and draw back of the waves, the smell of sea weed & salt & fishy things, the call of a gull, a seal bark, I am home sick for the ocean.
Youngest daughter said in her blog that her i-pod and cleaning with Clorox wipes makes her feel better. We've talked of this before I know and I hope every one is finding things to lift them above hardship. Life will be hard but we can be strong and enjoy so much of this life we live.
I just had to put an ocean on this brief but needful posting. I wanted something of my own. The best I could find is this calendar photo from 2003. (You don't want to see my odd bell bottoms and me with surf board! he he) I journal life on my calendars. It's amazing what I've found from years long gone that I needed off those calendars . So here is the ocean. I am picturing myself there with a glass of strawberry lemon aide or mango something. Oh my heart be still.
Below is a nice calendar message I think will help too. Your day may seem lost in the hardship, it may not have a list of crossed off chores. It may be lonely, long or glorious! I hope. But this calendar reminds me that we plant little things. We have great rewards later after it grows. You don't have to do something big to plant a seed in your child, in yourself, in a friend, a spouse. A tiny seed grows a redwood tree. I know.....Tiny seeds exposed to the heat of fire. One day you have a giant, breath taking redwood. I know because I've grown the real redwoods and I need to tell my kids, they are also redwoods. They make me so proud, their good choices, the love they show trying to understand each other. I must have planted some seeds and it grew 5 amazing people!
So today is plant a seed day!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I just can't stop!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Now for the surprises, the Digital age has begun

Using the bread recipe for pizza
If you have made the Mother Earth 5 minute a day bread dough then you can make this pizza!
Dinner was forgotten, everyone was tired and coming down with colds. We needed food fast. My sister had tackled pizza over the week-end and it came to me to do the same.
I took a piece of dough and laid it on my flour infused pastry cloth. I just flattened it easily with my hands, no need to use a rolling pin as they suggest. I like the bubbling up dough. Then I folded the edges over once to make them a bit more sturdy to deal with.
As the recipe in the link below warns, keep the toppings light so the dough can show a bit and cook up through the cheese etc. I used olives, a bit of garlic chicken, some saute' onions and a tiny bit of spaghetti sauce. I don't have a pizza peel so I made my dough ( remember how moist and soft it is, hard to move it when it is only 1/4" deep) on the pastry cloth. When my baking stone was good and hot I took the pastry cloth down to the oven and coaxed the dough off and onto the stone. This method must be improved upon! Then I spooned on a touch of sauce, sprinkled on my ingredients and slipped the oven closed.
You don't need to put the water in the oven for the pizza but do turn your oven to it's top temperature. It took 25 minutes to heat the stone, 5 minutes to push out the dough, 15 minutes to cut up the ingredients and about 15 minutes to cook. Now that's fast food!
Oh! I feel a pizza attach coming on......Good thing I saved a piece from last night.
I have a rectangle shaped baking stone. It's perfect for making triangle shaped piece slices. Cut the pizza the long way down the center. Then starting at the end make angle cuts to produce nice triangle pizza wedges! So easy and you can make them big and little.
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009
You have to try this easy bread
I was at Mildred's home last week and she was making this easy bread, she gave me the recipe and I've now done three batches. It takes about 8 minutes to make enough dough for 4 loafs or 8 if you like, let it sit out for a couple of hours, pop into the fridge and bake the loafs as needed. You will need to warm the dough at least and hour when it comes from the fridge. The dough lasts a couple of weeks in the fridge. It's wonderful and fast. Give it a try.
Thank you Mother Earth News we can always count on great stuff! note, I know you need the salt in it for a reason but it's too salty for us so we cut it down by a third.
2nd note, I have added 1/2 cup whole wheat flour to this recipe without any change.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Now who couldn't love this face?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Noodle Doodles
Thursday, February 5, 2009
hints from the fashions of the 1920's

Where is everyone? I used to get up to 80 visitors a day on my postings and now 3 of you join me. Are you all worn from the holidays, has the weather got you without power, hope you are not down and worried? Just know that you are missed. Maybe my fashion posts just don't cut it. So I'll hold part two for later and put in this fun look back in time, something to make you just smile. Do let me know if there is something you need to hear about!
I collect sewing and fashion magazines from as far back as they go and from every country that shared good fashion. The pages tonight are from a 1921 and 1927 Coats and Clark sewing booklets. Not very big and very fragile you are lucky to get a peek into some of their pages. The fashions of the 20's were simple hip waisted dresses with tons of embellishments!
They loved their short hair and cute hats. If you love this time period you must see the PBS series "The House of Elliot" They won big awards for their costumes of this time period and it is a really fun program you can often get at your local library.
So enjoy clicking on these pages and reading a bit of the past. Forget your worries for a moment and just be a girl of the 20's! Pretend with me.
(As I write this I have some fun Italian music on traveling daughter brought home, I'm swaying and just smiling!)