Monday, November 17, 2008

Vegetable Pizza, putting those veggies right out front!

oh go a head, see what happens, let the kids decorate this pizza and see if they eat the vegetables out of interest. I remember youngest daughter ate lunch in her class room and had fresh sliced bell peppers one day, after that she loved them and all I can figure is that it takes something interesting to invite a bite!
Vegetable Pizza
a recipe I saved from very long ago
2 (8 ounce) cans or crescent rolls
2 (8 ounce) pkg cream cheese softened
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tsp dill weed
1 tsp minced onion
shredded cheese any kind
Raw veggies: stuff olives, tomato, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peppers, fresh mushrooms, zucchini etc.
Use a mandoline to slice veggies very thin, or a good sharp knife
Spread crescent rolls flat on a pizza pan, or a cookies sheet
Pinch edges together to make one big pizza
Bake as directed on the package
Mix cream cheese with mayonnaise beat until creamy
Add Dill and minced onion to cream cheese mix
Back in the day we added 1 tsp BeauMonde Spice but I don't know if that is even around any longer! :-)
Spread cream cheese over cooled pizza crust
Lay out the sliced veggies and press lightly into the cream cheese.
top with Shredded cheese of your choice.
Chill and serve
Hints: you can grate the veggies, or use a peeler to make long thin strips, cutting each veggie different is more interesting.
Enjoy inventing different ways to top the pizza

1 comment:

Eden said...

I definitely recommend shredding. Flynn does not eat veggies, but if I shred them up in pasta salad or something, he usually doesn't balk.