I have one more pumpkin on the porch too cook.
The first one was delicious! I taught my 2 year old grandson to say that word on my last visit, he practiced all week-end I wonder if he can still say 'Delicious'?
Time for my all time best Holiday Pumpkin recipe.
I got this in Ukiah back when I was selling dolls and bears like crazy!
A fellow crafter, Shirley whom may even live up here in the Northwest gave me this recipe.
You can make it a day or two before your holiday meal just keep it cold.
Pumpkin cake Roll
preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
3 eggs
2/3 cup pumpkin
1 cup sugar
1 teas lemon juice
Beat eggs 5 minutes no kidding we need lots of air here!
Add sugar on high speed, isn't this fun?
then add the pumpkin and lemon juice.
Mix together
3/4 Cup flour
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp baking soda
2 Tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
Add to batter and mix well
Pour into a well greased and floured 10 x 15" jello roll pan
Sprinkle top of pumpkin roll with 1 cup chopped nuts, pecan, walnuts are both good

Bake in 375 degree F. Oven for 15 minutes. Do not brown this.
sprinkle a clean kitchen towel with powdered sugar
The next step is tricky but not hard to do. Once the cake is done you will turn the pan over once on a cooling rack and again onto the sugared towel
I lay the sugared towel on a cooling rack on the 2nd time around and use the rack to support the the towel and pumpkin cake like so:
1) lay the towel with the sugared side against the pumpkin roll
2) lay the cooling rack over the towel
3) Bravely, using hot pads, flip the cake upside down!
The Goal is to roll the cake in the towel with the nuts on the inside of the cake.
Gently roll the cake up in the towel. Let the cake cool in the towel.
Filling: 1 cup powdered sugar
2 -3 ounce packages of cream cheese
4 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoons vanilla
Beat all ingredients until creamy
Unroll the cake, if edges are crusty just cut them off and pass them around!
Now spread the filling evenly over the inside of the roll.
Roll the cake back up and wrap it in foil being sure to leave the end open
The cake must breath on the ends
Chill 4 hours
Slice and serve.