Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Dulce and Bruno

I made this cute one piece apron and filled the pockets with little books and such. If you want the pattern let me know.

I didn't really miss these birthdays! I just didn't have photos to put up until now. Dulce had her 4Th birthday yesterday and what a cutie she was. She has suddenly burst forth with English. It was a delight to see her show me the photos in the little book we brought.
Bruno had his birthday at fair. When grammie can't come to the party, bring the party to grammie. Bleach boy arranged for a big tent to party in and everyone had a lot of fun.
These two kids have joined our family from other countries. Dulce came from Guatemala, she was tiny and weak and in her first month here she had to have all her rotted teeth pulled. She is still little and very sweet and loving. Bruno was in an orphanage in Mexico. He has a clef palate and is going through the surgeries to correct it. He is now 5 years old and is really good at sports. Loves kicking and tossing balls. He gets right in and roughs around with the other boys in the family, he fits right in. He asked me for a pirate ball for his birthday and you can find the directions for the soft ball under "This is for Wendy" in the June folder to your right.

1 comment:

holly b said...

I want the pattern for that apron! I have a bunch of nieces and my own kids as well who love to "help" in the kitchen and what not.

It was fun finding your blog from your comment. I don't know of any other Fonnell's besides yourself but figured I'd double check. ;) Thanks for the camera recs. I've heard great things about the Canon D30, at least 3 people I know have one. sigh. maybe I'll save my pennies a little longer....