Thursday, April 10, 2008

knock knock, who's there?

One Tues while I was watching the baby I heard a knock knock in the back side of the house. Odd I thought. My husband was off swimming and Lilly was sleeping who could be knock, knocking? I must be hearing a random sound. I went on with what I was doing when again, Knock knock and again knock knock. OK maybe the neighbor girls needed something, a horse loose or one of them hurt. OK I'll go and check this knock knock out. I listened as it continued with brief stops. I found it in the kitchen window, my garden window. The lilac outside the window was bouncing in a way the breeze wouldn't produce. Yes there it went again, knock knock. Tap tap. A little something was knocking on my window over and over. I tip toed into the room the baby was sleeping in and took out my camera and snapped a photo just as he realized I was there and with shock on his face he stopped the tap tap, knock knock and...... (see photo below) he went. Nice to have such a surprising visit. Reminders we are not a world all our own. We are a world of many.


Zig said...

So what was making the knocking noise? The flower?

Fonnell/Grammie/mom said...

nope that little bird was tapping and he sure thought there was something inside he wanted. Dad thinks it saw it's reflection and it is Spring and he was flirting with his reflection. he he

Zig said...

re-read the post it never says what was knocking on the glass.

Fonnell/Grammie/mom said...

Awe but a picture is worth a 1,000 words and some times the best surprise!