This is a beautiful song about what to give..............
Hope as you prepare for your Christmas you have joy in your heart and love for others.
Warm Advice from mom, grammie ideas, answers to your questions, how to make or do anything,recipes, hints, thoughts to keep mom's going!
They inspire me to keep my food varied and simple. With that in mind I began having a breakfast of whole grain pancakes and cut up fruit. It was the height of the nectarine season and to those I added peaches and blueberries, walnuts etc. I ate twice a week fruit pancake breakfasts.
Here in the northwest we have Snoqualmie Falls lodge pancake mix called NutraRich pancake and waffle mix.
Yes this is the famous 'Twin Peeks' backdropThis mix is grainy and good BUT it seems to have disappeared from the grocery shelves. I looked all summer long and only found one box. This put a big dent in my healthy, fast pancake mornings.
What to do? While on vacation up in Whistler I came upon a Canadian recipe site and found this very good full grain, fast to make pancake recipe.
My 10 year old grand daughter and I made these pancakes with great success try them and see what you think. I am back to my twice a week fruit and pancake breakfast!
Grainy Good pancakes
Soak 3/4 cup quick oats in 2 cups buttermilk
After 10 minutes add
1 egg
3/4 cup multi grain flour
1/4 cup wheat germ (keep in your fridge)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3 tablespoons oil
Stir gently, don't worry about lumps they can stay. Cook on an oiled griddle.
You must cook them until they are fully bubbled before turning, other wise they will stick.
Here in the Pacific Northwest everyone is planting and eating from their gardens. I have been teaching a big group of brand new dirt diggers so I moved my gardening conversation to a new blog. Please join us but remember we chat about classes and it is about the Northwest garden. Still there is a lot to learn and there are links to all my old blogs about gardening. I have a great garden this year despite the challenges.
Some ideas I'm tossing around. teaching: art, knitting, weaving, sewing, music, more gardening, herbal craft, story telling......hum more thinking
A friend sent me this and I thought all mom's would enjoy the thought. Hope your day lets you know you are the most valued person on earth! I hope you hear from all your loved family members. Happy Mothers' day
Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you've had a baby..... somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, 'normal' is history. * * *Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by
instinct ... somebody never took a three-year-old shopping. * * *Somebody said being a mother is boring .....
somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a driver's permit. ***********Somebody said if you're a'good' mother,
your child will 'turn out good'.....
somebody thinks a child comes with directions and a guarantee. * * *Somebody said you don't need an education to be a
mother.... somebody never helped a fourth grader with his math. * * *Somebody said you can't love the second child as
much as you love the first ..... somebody doesn't have two children. * * *Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother
is labor and delivery....
somebody never watched her 'baby' get on the bus
for the first day of kindergarten ... or on a plane headed for military 'boot camp.' * * *Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her
child gets married....somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a mother's heartstrings. * * *Somebody said a mother's job is done when
somebody never had grandchildren.
The first thing I did with the group is have them make colored cards
Green for plants that go in the garden in Spring Red those heat loving plants that like the summer Orange plants like the cool and have enough time to make fall crops Yellow cards are for plants that have culitvars that will grow during any season The numbers are the length of time it takes them to produce in most parts of the country We however add two weeks to a month to the dates on the cards!
The sun comes out for longer bits of time and the air feels warmer when there aren't breezes. It signals the inter-gardener in me! I want to touch seeds and turn soil and grow things! When I wake at 5 am in the morning (not often!) I hear the birds busy, very busy. They know it's Spring and so do I!
I am working with a group of local ladies, most are brand new to gardening. With this in mind I started a blog just for them with lots of helpful things to get them started. For the last 4 weeks we have been meeting weekly and the class notes are on this blog also.
ONE BIG HEADS UP.......the information is all Northwestern in the planting times etc. All of the information will help anyone but know your own last frost date and adjust my suggestions to your region. If I can help please comment.
From here on out the gardening postings will be here:
Lyndy has been doing the cutest stuff with Natalie's hair and Eden with Penny's so with that in mind I can share some of my collection of pretty hair styles. Yes with 5 girls in the house we had plenty of goes around with the hair thing! My other lucky thing was learning from my sister who was studying to be a beautician and from a lady I was baby sitting for who would practice by teaching me how when she picked up her son! So I've had first rate braid training. he he
Give one of these a try or at least dream of when your little girls hair will be long enough to do one of these! I'll post some more later the garden is calling!
This under braid is good to learn. It makes a nice depth for little girls hair who will look bald if something doesn't stand out. I love making this braid
I like to have something up my sleeve for when the grand kids come over. This magically fast cookie was one I used with my own kids when they were little. Now Lilly and I made them yesterday and shared them with the family.
Pudding cookies
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
Yes they are green but the photos don't treat them kindly. It's a nice soft green!
It's only the 2nd month of the year. I surely don't want the year to pass me by on my health goals. Yes it has been warm here in the Northwest but wet is wet no matter how warm and I needed something to boost my calorie burn that was easy to:
1.) decide I wanted to face it each day and make a life long commitment to being activity
2.) start without a fuss ( no drive to a gym or trail, change or load up equipment, open a locker...etc.)
3.) afford, low cost (no money means no gym and very little gas for driving very far so it has to be close)
4.) see my progress so I get excited to do it again
5.) feel my progress as in muscles feel worked but not broken
6.) easy to do and keeps me off the floor (old body, old joints, heavy body don't do up and down well)
So these were my requirements. Bleach boy bought a gym membership for an indoor pool when he was in California and it traveled up here when he returned home. In the two, now three years of swimming three times a week he lost tons of weight. I am not a gym person. I do love it outside and will bike and hike but those don't fit the requirements above.
I've discovered a wonderful web site for people like me. It's all about being healthy through walking. You can join the walking club and get a couple different streaming walking video's a month all online. It's so easy for me to wake up, turn on my computer and bring up the web site. Before you know it I'm doing at least a mile. Then later before lunch I do a fast paced heart healthy 2 to 4 mile walk.
I'm sure you are picturing a stroll down the path but this is exercise walking and I feel it.
I printed off the online calendar and am checking off my miles but feel free to write it on the wall or chalk board or in a note book. But do write it! As you see the miles click by you get excited that this will help you have a body boost and burn some calories.
As far as Spark people are concerned when I log a 30 min 2 mile walk I burn 266 calories. WOW
This is why if I can I do more than one walk a day I think I will make headway.
Now where can you test this out, because I didn't believe how good this was until in early January when I started walking? See video's above this post
So after you've used the video's above move to the web site and try the faster video or join the club and have some great food ideas and new walking video's each month for a year. I'm sure this will make my year full of boosting energy and calorie BURN.
Go here for the express one mile. It's fast but on a sat when I know bleach boy wants to go do stuff I get a fast burning 1 mile in.
This site also has all the walking video's to buy and the club to join do take a peek.
If you want something really challenging take the 10 day challenge offered on the web site. There is a menu and a walking plan for three walks a day. If you do this it will burn each meal on the menu off! No calories for the whole day that you didn't burn.
I thought about what this would mean?
That's right I'd have to burn those extra pounds all day if I wasn't burning my meals!
Thank you Leslie Sansone
Here is a Spark people article on fitness that will give you some ideas also.
This is the first winter I have tried to have a northwest garden. It was a test. As you can see by my photos some things have grown. This is my lettuce box. I planted winter varieties in late Oct. They were only about 2 inches high and we had weeks of early deep freeze. We installed a light fixture and a 60 watts bulbs has been running day and night. During the deep freeze the ground froze hard on this box. It is on wheels and the cold hits it from the top, bottom and sides.
My side garden on the ground, next to the south wall of the house and surrounded by bales of straw did not have the ground freeze. BUT even though protected with a cover the plants themselves froze. I found the plants next to the bales of straw did not freeze. Now with that freeze a month past the plants have recouped and the garden looks ok. It Maybe that seedlings did not survive as far as I can tell. I have been cutting chard and pulling beets and they are fine. Mostly this is a sleeping garden, a few squares of garlic waiting for spring.
The garden on legs on the North side of the property was planted with fall garlic. It grew slowly with the freeze and for all I can tell will never produce. This box froze solid as it has no protection beneath from the cold. It was covered but that wasn't enough. We shall see when warmer weather arrives. Update late Jan 2010 Lots of garlic and shallots have peeked up. Guess the freeze didn't do all I thought it had.
What did I plant.
Rudolph broccoli
Winter red kale
winterwunder lettuce
arctic kind butterhead lettuce
Giant winter spinach
Provencal winter mix salad greens
5 kinds of garlic (normal fall planting)
I'm not sure what is growing here but it all looks good and much larger and though frozen solid in the roots two months ago it is now growing fine, but slowly. I think soon we will eat it. The chives have come back nicely and I never loose hope when growing things.
This salad box has wheels and I pushed it against my houses outside wall before the freeze.
Any thing that might help my odds.
Update late Jan 2010 We are eating large really tender excellent greens now!