Monday, April 19, 2010

Pretty hair for the Girls in the family

Lyndy has been doing the cutest stuff with Natalie's hair and Eden with Penny's so with that in mind I can share some of my collection of pretty hair styles. Yes with 5 girls in the house we had plenty of goes around with the hair thing! My other lucky thing was learning from my sister who was studying to be a beautician and from a lady I was baby sitting for who would practice by teaching me how when she picked up her son! So I've had first rate braid training. he he

Give one of these a try or at least dream of when your little girls hair will be long enough to do one of these! I'll post some more later the garden is calling!

This under braid is good to learn. It makes a nice depth for little girls hair who will look bald if something doesn't stand out. I love making this braid