We love a good puzzle.
Not only does it brings us together to work out a problem area but it allows
us each a moments stress relief.
My mind loves to go deeply into a problem that has no stakes to it. It provides rest from worries and a challenge I can enjoy.
This is one of the little things about Christmas that we really enjoy.
I know they make family puzzles with bigger pieces so that all ages can join in.
It draws families to a location like nothing can, and encourages conversation in a causal way.
There are many little things that I love about this season.
Sitting in my rocking chair just looking at the ornaments quietly.
So many are from the hands of my children now adults raising their own children.
What makes you happy at this time of year?
Set aside the stress you may feel and think for a moment of what makes you smile at this time.
Here is one ornament that always makes me smile.
No it's not on the tree but when our son, (oldest kiddo) made it in grade school
he made it to be a Christmas ornament for the tree.
I can brag at what a good artist he is as he is paid to produce art every day
but back then it was the beginnings of creative thought.
He made a family tree with a likeness of each family member and their hobby beside them.
I don't remember what we are sitting in on the tree, hopefully he will tell us
and also tell us what grade he made this masterpiece in.
I think I'll share an ornament or two in the next few days.
It will give my family a smile too.
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