I love Cookie Tins! Everything once came in decorative tins, but not so much any more. So I don't ever part with the tins I have. Now you are wondering why I would devote space to two large boxes of tins?
At this time of year we don't bake all our goodies in one day and serve them the next day so they are fresh. NO! We bake a little here a little there. Wouldn't it be nice to serve them fresh two weeks into the holiday? YES. Besides rolls of freezer cookies (a blog to follow) tins are the best thing I know to extend the freshness of the season.
A story to help you with my point. Really this proved it all to me how good tins are
Back when the kids were teenagers I accidentally packed up a tin full of cookies in my storage boxes. I usually clean the tins and stack them inside each other to save space. This tin felt heavy when I packed it, I thought it was full of other tins. Skip to the next Christmas and I begin opening cans to store goodies and WOW there was all these cookies from the year before. They looked so pretty and fresh. I thought about it and finally convinced myself to taste and see what a year in a cookie tins does. I was worried, I hesitate, I pulled out a glass of water, I bit......
Hum that cookie tasted good. Really good. Now do you see why I think these tins are amazing!
Make sure your tins lid closes tight, always line them, I use wax paper. Never put anything warm or even close to warm in the tins. Put crisp cookies in one tin and moist or cake like cookies in another. Candy stores well in there too but follow the same rules, crisp in one can, moist in another.
Now when you have a plate of goodies to take to a get together open up your tins (with the goodies you slowly made over the weeks) and arrange your goodies plate with a smile!
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