Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My favorite Lazy way to make Pumpkin Mash

Raising 5 children induced some lazy ways or as I like to think of it some speedy short cuts. I finally took the Sugar pumpkin (rounder, less seeds, mostly just meat!) off the porch and got it ready for pie, cookies etc last night. Join me as I show you how I do it.

Oh #5 daughter heard I was working on this and said the Pioneer women did it early in Oct so check both ideas out and come up with your own spin on Lazy pumpkin puree. Can't wait to make pie and the recipes on the cans of pumpkin, can's of milk etc are just fine but I am going to post some great pumpkin recipes. I love pumpkin and have tested tons of great ways to eat it!

# 1 Wash your pumpkin well

#2 take a big knife and cut the pumpkin in half

Do be careful

#3 Pull out the seeds

I just stick my hand in and pull the seeds out. Sugar pumpkins are not as wet inside but if you have a jack O lantern pumpkin type it is gooey. Use a spoon to remove seed threads.

#4 All scooped out and ready to bake.
preheat oven to 350 degrees F. #5 Put foil on a cookie sheet lay pumpkin skins side up on foil We put them in this direction so the extra moisture will steam out on the foil I have never had wet pumpkin to work with since starting my lazy method long ago
#6 Bake 30 minute and check. If you can put a fork in the skin and it floats through then they are cooked if not try another 15 minutes. This pumpkin took 45 minutes and the house smelled wonderful!
#6 Allow to cool It looks like this when you flip it over flip after cooling #7 Grab a big spoon you will find the meat spoons out very easily #8 it's a bit chunky at this point and you can put it in the fridge and do the next step at any point. See the light yellow areas? That is where all the pumpkin was removed. The other orange areas can have much more to be spooned out. You can get a lot of pumpkin scraping with the spoon. #9 puree, I use a hand held blender, mine is a Bamix, which I love! Go around and around in the bowl until very smooth You can do it in the blender but my lazy method was designed to not have anything to wash. Remember 5 kids....they took a lot of my time! YUMMY ALL READY FOR RECIPES CHECK MY BLOG FOR LOTS OF PUMPKIN RECIPES
#10 When you have it nice and smooth you can use it or store it in freezer bags


Christine said...

Mmmm it looks soooo tasty! We didn't buy any pumpkins this year... now I wish we had! Maybe I'll have to go to Albertson's and see if they have any left, the other grocery store in town is all out... we'll see! Thanks for the inspiration!

Hildred said...

Hi Fonnell, - I have one nice big fat pumpkin, the only one that long vine produced. Your lazy way really inspires me, and tomorrow, or the next day, I'm going to follow your directions and enjoy the smell of that pumpkin roasting!

You have taught me so many things over the years, and it's wonderful to keep up with your blog.