Monday, February 25, 2008

what's a mom to do! follow-up ideas

I love music! It is my fastest easiest way to lift a mood I can't control. Here are some of my favorite "fix my mood" songs. I finally got them on my Pocket PC and they are on my home computer and I can pop them out when needed. One time through a song can often change my thinking about life. But when it doesn't I go through the song twice or just try another song. While Phil was living in California and we were apart I made a full CD of songs to play that made me feel so much better. The months after I made that Cd were so much better than the months before. It's funny they were sad songs and they made me happy!
So my #1 favorite song to bring me up is 'Mango time', by Tony Bird. I don't get far into this song and I'm happy again. I can just picture myself climbing those mango trees and eating those juicy mango's. The best part is when he says to leave the seed so it grows for another mango tree and the future. It makes me so happy to think of those future mango trees. Sadly the clip I am giving you doesn't have the rousting start that the original music has so do get the original if you want to hear it. May I suggest a trip to Barnes and nobles music dept where you can scan and listen to ANY song.
#2 My grandson, little person that he is loves 'Hamster dance'. He can just boogie to this song and once I saw how he loved this music I loved it too. If I put it on I can picture his happy dance and it lifts my spirits so much. You can find it online at: #3 Recently, during the dark of a Northwest winter I came upon 'Over the rainbow' by an Hawaiian called IZ. His real name was Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. This is the happiest, song ever. I bought it on i-tunes for 99 cents. It really brings a smile. You can hear it here, just close your eyes and listen before watching the video, the video is a sad one so don't mix sad and happy.

This is just three of my big list but what I'd really like is to hear three of your songs for uplifting! Just put them in the comment area for all of us to see.

A lot can be said for putting on the beach boys and grabbing my Sand and Surf candle by Yankee candle and just being a kid with my surf board for a moment!

Grammie person


~L said...

Okay FREAKY CD cover! Hmm, i'm not sure I could pick 3 specific songs and different moods call for different songs but lately for me it' s been Josh Groban and EFY/LDS church music. Rascall Flats has a lot of great songs that always make me more cheery. But overall I am very imperfected at improving my mood and feeling less lonely and sad. I try though.

Eden said...

Same thing as Lyndy, it depends on my mood. I listen to "Cowboy Take Me Away" (Dixie Chicks) when I'm feeling overburdened. I love those Hawaiian songs from Lilo & Stitch as well as a lot of Jack Johnson's stuff. "She Moves In Mysterious Ways" (U2) always makes me want to move my body. "Life is a Highway" (Rascall Flatts), "I Like To Move It, Move It" (Madagascar soundtrack), and "NumaNuma" (Ozone) also have joined that list of energizing songs. For peaceful songs I melt into "Out Of The Woods" (Nickel Creek) or "Dream Big" (Ryan Shupe).

So, there's a bunch for you.... I try to go to an aerobics class 3 days a week at the church and we listen to a lot of good high energy, mood boosting songs for our workouts. It's great. I'll have to make everyone a CD of good songs to make you get up and move.

Shaivi Sharma said...

Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
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